
  1. Common elements
  2. Etymology
  3. Early history
    1. Ancient games
    2. Medieval and early modern Europe
    3. Calcio Fiorentino
    4. Official desapproval and attempts to ban football
  4. Establishment of modern codes
    1. English public schools
    2. Firsts
    3. Cambridge rules
    4. Sheffied rules
    5. Australian rules football
    6. football Association
    7. Rugby football
    8. North American football codes
    9. Gaelic football
    10. Schism in Rugby football
    11. Globalistation of associated football
    12. Further divergence of the two rugby codes
  5. Use of the word "football"
  6. Popularity
  7. Football codes board
    1. Football codes development tree
  8. Present day codes and families
    1. Association
    2. Rugby
    3. Irish and Astralian
    4. Medieval
    5. British schools
    6. Recent and hybrid
    7. Tabelop games, video games, and other recreations
  9. See also
  10. Notes
  11. References